Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Learning from the Past - Jude

Outline of Service 26th May 2019

Learning from the Past – Jude 3

The faith which was once delivered unto the saints…

Hymn 102:  Joy in God’s Presence  

The Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11:2-4

Psalm 47:1-9 – God Reigns!

Bible Readings: -                                             

·     A New and Parallel Hope:  Isaiah 65:1-7, 17-20

·     Changing Relationships:  Acts 15:1-9, 13-21

·     Jude’s exhortation - look for the truth: Jude 1-13, 20-25

Hymn 26:  God’s Plan for Renewal

·     God chose Abraham and Sarah and delivered to them a special Faith which resulted in God choosing Israel as a “peculiar treasure” to be the witnesses of His Presence to all people on the Earth

·     Isaiah tells of how Israel dropped their side of this relationship, and as a result, God told about how His Plan of Salvation would be extended to all

·     This was fulfilled after the ascension of Jesus when the Christian Message was spread abroad and offered to all

·     Some people believed that this “new” message replaced the old Covenant with Israel, but Jude points out that the “old” message is still there in parallel with the “new”, and should not be forgotten

·     Jude raises a number of important ways in which understanding the past can help us to know what to expect in the future  

·     May each of us seek to God for personal understanding and commitment as we look for the outpouring of His Power this coming Whitsuntide and the fulfillment of His Promises with the return of Jesus Christ to this Earth.

Hymn 59:  The Past Points to the Future


Sunday, May 5, 2019

Servanthood or Selfishness - 3 John

Outline of Service 12th May 2019

Servanthood or Selfishness – 3 John 11

He that doeth good is of God

Hymn117:  Faith of Those Who Have Gone Before  

The Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11:2-4

Psalm 44:1-8 – God is our Deliverer

Bible Readings: -                                             

·     Sarah and the Angel:  Genesis 18:1-15

·     Gaius and Diotrephes:  3 John 1-14

·     Faithful Supporters: Luke 23:50-24:11

Hymn 14:  Power to Stand for God and Good

·     In 3 John, John compares the different lifestyles of Servanthood (Gaius) and Selfishness (Diotrephes) recommending us to follow the example of Gaius

·     Through this Epistle John demonstrates the importance of friends and friendships in our Christian life 

·     Sarah one of the Matriarchs of the Bible shared fellowship with an Angel, whilst still questioning the Power of God

·     On Mothers Day let us remember the role that women (and mothers) played in supporting Jesus during His lifetime and through His trial and crucifixion

·     In this period between Easter and Whitsuntide let us seek to show true servanthood to the Master as we seek for the Promised Power to deliver us from selfishness!

Hymn 90:  Faithful Servants


Speak What is Kind, True and Necessary

Outline of Service 28th April 2018

Speak what is kind, true and necessary


The Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11:2-4

Psalm 86 1-17 – show me mercy, give me strength

Bible Readings:                                                  

·     Micah 6:1-8 – do justice, love kindness, walk humbly

·     Ephesians 4:1-8, 11-16, 23-25 – speak the truth in love

·     Philippians 4:8 – a guide for good conversations


 ·     Much of our communication is non-verbal, but we live in an increasingly verbal world

·     We can learn from Jesus conversation – say what is true, kind, and necessary – act from empathy with tolerance

·     With God’s help we can be the best version of ourselves at His return

·     We can use the gifts God has given us to help us perfect each other

