Church: 196 Campbell Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Ph 1300 135 299
Mobile: 0418 688 607 – Internet:
Outline of Service 8th January 2012
Hebrews Chapters 11,12: Our Responsibility
God having provided some better thing for us…Heb 11:40
Hymn 113: God’s Plan and Constancy
The Lord’s Prayer Luke 11:2-4
Psalm 78:1-8 - Pass down the Message
Bible Readings:
The Inward Calling – 1 Kings 19:1-13
Our Role and Jesus Our Example – Hebrews 11:39 40; 12:1-24
Hymn 90: Looking to Jesus
• God has led His people through the past
• Jesus has set an example for us to follow
• God is leading us now, and we must pass on the Message
• All will be perfected when Jesus Christ returns
• Those alive then will received the “better thing” – life without death
Hymn 117: God is Still Working
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Paper November 2011 The shepherds
The Paper – Editorial November 2011 – Come and Worship
One of the favourite icons of Christmas is the Shepherds. We are all familiar with scenes of the Shepherds in the fields with their sheep. The Christmas Story relates how the Shepherds were watching their flocks, when suddenly something different, extraordinary and miraculous happened. They saw something that they had never seen before, and were greeted with tidings that were positive and embracing! Without wanting to detract from the seasonal significance of the occasion there are a number of observations we could make about the event.
The Shepherds were normal people going about their normal work. They were not recognised as being super special in any way (like the Three Kings of another well known Christmas icon) – they no doubt had their own personal convictions and beliefs, but generally they were representative of the average person. One significant point, however, was that when they were given a message they listened. They were open-minded enough to listen to a different point of view. Although it may have been a pretty spectacular way in which the message was delivered, they were receptive and were prepared to consider what they heard. We are not told with what level of veracity they questioned the angels’ message, but in the moment they were truly convicted by it. They believed the report, and were receptive to what it invited them to do.
The shepherds then responded to the Message. They went as they had been invited. What about leaving the sheep alone on the hillside while they went? They were convicted to the extent that they accepted to take risks which they might normally think were bad practice! And when they came, they saw. It was the impact of personal experience that fully convinced and convicted them that this was truth. The angels, the message, the invitation all followed in sequence, but the confirmation was when they saw for themselves.
We are told that this event had a dramatic impact on the rest of their lives. The story records that they went back to work and remembered the things that they had heard and seen, and as they remembered they rejoiced that they had been given the revelation and understanding. However, imagine the scene sometime later, and people passing by look on these people, the shepherds, considered in their society to be among the lowliest of all professions; on the outside they may have looked the same as before, but were they? They had had an experience that changed their lives on the inside, although the outside may have not looked any different.
As Christians we believe that the same process can be followed today by those who come to know God in what seems to be to many a mostly mundane World. Just as the angel spoke to the Shepherds so The Great Creator can speak into our personal lives today, convincing and convicting people of things which may not fit within the province of human logical reason. Paul in the Bible put it this way; “From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities -- his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.” (Romans chapter 1, verse 20) This Christmas would you like to follow the example of the Shepherds - hear the call, accept, follow and experience for yourself a relationship with God through an encounter with the Christmas Baby, now grown and dwelling in another realm with His Heavenly Father.
If you would like to talk more about these beliefs and how the events of Christmas can help us accept our past, set the scene for a better life here and now, as well as show us a Vision for the future, please come along to our Church some time (see Church Notices for dates and times), or contact a Church near you and attend over this Christmas period where someone would be only too happy to discuss these issues further.
One of the favourite icons of Christmas is the Shepherds. We are all familiar with scenes of the Shepherds in the fields with their sheep. The Christmas Story relates how the Shepherds were watching their flocks, when suddenly something different, extraordinary and miraculous happened. They saw something that they had never seen before, and were greeted with tidings that were positive and embracing! Without wanting to detract from the seasonal significance of the occasion there are a number of observations we could make about the event.
The Shepherds were normal people going about their normal work. They were not recognised as being super special in any way (like the Three Kings of another well known Christmas icon) – they no doubt had their own personal convictions and beliefs, but generally they were representative of the average person. One significant point, however, was that when they were given a message they listened. They were open-minded enough to listen to a different point of view. Although it may have been a pretty spectacular way in which the message was delivered, they were receptive and were prepared to consider what they heard. We are not told with what level of veracity they questioned the angels’ message, but in the moment they were truly convicted by it. They believed the report, and were receptive to what it invited them to do.
The shepherds then responded to the Message. They went as they had been invited. What about leaving the sheep alone on the hillside while they went? They were convicted to the extent that they accepted to take risks which they might normally think were bad practice! And when they came, they saw. It was the impact of personal experience that fully convinced and convicted them that this was truth. The angels, the message, the invitation all followed in sequence, but the confirmation was when they saw for themselves.
We are told that this event had a dramatic impact on the rest of their lives. The story records that they went back to work and remembered the things that they had heard and seen, and as they remembered they rejoiced that they had been given the revelation and understanding. However, imagine the scene sometime later, and people passing by look on these people, the shepherds, considered in their society to be among the lowliest of all professions; on the outside they may have looked the same as before, but were they? They had had an experience that changed their lives on the inside, although the outside may have not looked any different.
As Christians we believe that the same process can be followed today by those who come to know God in what seems to be to many a mostly mundane World. Just as the angel spoke to the Shepherds so The Great Creator can speak into our personal lives today, convincing and convicting people of things which may not fit within the province of human logical reason. Paul in the Bible put it this way; “From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities -- his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.” (Romans chapter 1, verse 20) This Christmas would you like to follow the example of the Shepherds - hear the call, accept, follow and experience for yourself a relationship with God through an encounter with the Christmas Baby, now grown and dwelling in another realm with His Heavenly Father.
If you would like to talk more about these beliefs and how the events of Christmas can help us accept our past, set the scene for a better life here and now, as well as show us a Vision for the future, please come along to our Church some time (see Church Notices for dates and times), or contact a Church near you and attend over this Christmas period where someone would be only too happy to discuss these issues further.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Sydney Service 13th November 2011 Outline
Outline of Service 13th November 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Moses
By faith Moses forsook Egypt…kept the Passover…passed through the Red Sea
Heb 11: 24-29
Hymn 104: God Directs and Protects
Psalm 107:1-9 - God Satisfies the Longing Soul
Bible Readings:
Recognition – Exodus 2:11-22
Realisation – Exodus 4:18-23, 27-31
Redemption – Deut 1:1-3, 4:1-9
Remembrance – Hebrews 3:1-19
Hymn 20: A Personal Journey
• Moses was led by God through all stages of his life
• The Law promised life if it was kept
• We cannot keep the Law ourselves
• God has promised to keep His Law in us
• Let us Choose Life that we may live!
Hymn 80 (Tune 79): A Vision for the Future
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sydney Service 23rd October 2011
Outline of Service 23rd October 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Moses’ Parents
By faith Moses … was hid ... of his parents
Heb 11: 22
Hymn 117: God Guides
Psalm 25:8-15 – God Teaches
Bible Readings:
Behind the Scene – Exodus 1:1 – 2:9
Sometimes Things Should Be Private – Mark 1:35-45,
Led by the Heart – Luke 2:13-19
Hymn 126: God Rules
• Moses’ Parents feared God
• Moses’ Parents followed God guiding their hearts
• Moses’ Parents learnt God is in control
• When we surrender to God He can work in our lives
• We seek to be kept alive, floating in the Spirit, till Jesus returns
Hymn 32 (Tune 34): God Knows
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sydney Service 9th October 2011 - Joseph
Outline of Service 9th October 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Joseph
By faith Joseph…made mention of the departing of the children of Israel
Heb 11: 22
Hymn 115: Trust in God
Psalm 116:1-5 – God is always listening
Bible Readings:
A glimpse into the future – Genesis 37:1-11
The point of change – Genesis 41:38-46
Dreams fulfilled – Genesis 50:1-2, 7-9, 14-26
Forgiveness and personal dedication – Luke 17:1-5, 20-37
Hymn 6: Motivated by the Vision
• Joseph learnt from real-life experiences
• Joseph suffered wrongfully by the hands of others
• Joseph forgave those who did him wrong
• Like Joseph, we can look to redemption in the future
Hymn 49: God’s Favour is stronger than Man’s Learning
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sydney Service 11th Spetember 2011
Outline of Service 11th September 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Isaac
By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
Heb 11: 17-20
Hymn 106: Wait On The Lord
Psalm 16:1-11 – Trust in God
Bible Readings:
Patience – Hebrews 11:17-20
Mission successful – Gen 24:1-3, 33-52, 58, 62-67
A turning point in history – Gen 27:1-34
Faith and works – Matthew 8:1-13
Hymn 117: Learning from the Past
• Isaac was a child born of Faith
• Isaac believed what was passed on, and had Hope in the Future
• God’s Covenant of Life passed through Isaac and is still offered today
• We must be patient and wait on God to receive Life Everlasting
Hymn 51: Seeing The Vision Clearly
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Isaac
By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
Heb 11: 17-20
Hymn 106: Wait On The Lord
Psalm 16:1-11 – Trust in God
Bible Readings:
Patience – Hebrews 11:17-20
Mission successful – Gen 24:1-3, 33-52, 58, 62-67
A turning point in history – Gen 27:1-34
Faith and works – Matthew 8:1-13
Hymn 117: Learning from the Past
• Isaac was a child born of Faith
• Isaac believed what was passed on, and had Hope in the Future
• God’s Covenant of Life passed through Isaac and is still offered today
• We must be patient and wait on God to receive Life Everlasting
Hymn 51: Seeing The Vision Clearly
Sydney Service Outline 25th September 2011
Outline of Service 25th September 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Jacob
By faith Jacob ..worshipped…
Heb 11: 21
Hymn 105: Worship The Lord
Psalm 67:1-7 – A two-way relationship
Bible Readings:
Leaving Home – Genesis 28:1-5, 10-22
An encounter with God – Gen 32:24-32
A personal testimony – Gen 47:5-11
Faith and works – Matthew 8:1-13
Hymn 130: A Life Changing Experience
• Jacob learnt from real-life experiences
• God made many promises to Jacob yet to be fulfilled
• Like Jacob we wrestle with the evil in our lives
• God has promised to overcome the evil in us and give us life
Hymn 47: The Promised Kingdom
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Jacob
By faith Jacob ..worshipped…
Heb 11: 21
Hymn 105: Worship The Lord
Psalm 67:1-7 – A two-way relationship
Bible Readings:
Leaving Home – Genesis 28:1-5, 10-22
An encounter with God – Gen 32:24-32
A personal testimony – Gen 47:5-11
Faith and works – Matthew 8:1-13
Hymn 130: A Life Changing Experience
• Jacob learnt from real-life experiences
• God made many promises to Jacob yet to be fulfilled
• Like Jacob we wrestle with the evil in our lives
• God has promised to overcome the evil in us and give us life
Hymn 47: The Promised Kingdom
Monday, August 22, 2011
Service Sydney 28th August 2011
Outline of Service 28th August 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Abraham and Sarah
By faith Abraham and Sarah……obeyed and received strength
Heb 11: 8, 11
Hymn 6: A Personal Vision
Psalm 105:1-10, 39-45 – The Covenant with Abraham will abide to a thousand Generations
Bible Readings:
Abraham called – Gen 12:1-7
The Covenant Renewed – Gen 17:1-8
Faith and works – James 2:14-26
Faith, obedience and strength – Hebrews 11:8-16
Hymn 28: A Blessing to all Nations
• Abraham and Sarah both had faith in God
• They received strength and believed God’s promises
• God’s Covenant of Life passed through Abraham and is still offered today
• We can have faith to experience the promise of eternal life – living with God in His Kingdom on Earth – that Abraham saw afar off
Hymn 21: Faith in God’s Strength
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith – Abraham and Sarah
By faith Abraham and Sarah……obeyed and received strength
Heb 11: 8, 11
Hymn 6: A Personal Vision
Psalm 105:1-10, 39-45 – The Covenant with Abraham will abide to a thousand Generations
Bible Readings:
Abraham called – Gen 12:1-7
The Covenant Renewed – Gen 17:1-8
Faith and works – James 2:14-26
Faith, obedience and strength – Hebrews 11:8-16
Hymn 28: A Blessing to all Nations
• Abraham and Sarah both had faith in God
• They received strength and believed God’s promises
• God’s Covenant of Life passed through Abraham and is still offered today
• We can have faith to experience the promise of eternal life – living with God in His Kingdom on Earth – that Abraham saw afar off
Hymn 21: Faith in God’s Strength
Friday, July 29, 2011
Service Sydney Church 14th August 2011
Outline of Service 14th August 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith - NOAH
By faith Noah … prepared an ark
Heb 11: 7
Hymn 118: (Tune 117): Tried and Proved
Psalm 119: 89-96 – The Earth will abide unto all Generations
Bible Readings:
Noah builds the Ark – Gen 5:1-3, 15-27
Noah’s perpetual faith – 1 Peter 3:13-22
An important parallel – 2 Peter 2:4-9
Hymn 16: Standing in the Promises
• Noah was motivated by faith, moved to works, and maintained God’s Promises
• God prepares His people for important events
• The ark is a figure of God’s Spirit in the Last Days
• We can be saved alive without death - in The Spirit - when Jesus returns
Hymn 51: Liberty in Christ Jesus
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith - NOAH
By faith Noah … prepared an ark
Heb 11: 7
Hymn 118: (Tune 117): Tried and Proved
Psalm 119: 89-96 – The Earth will abide unto all Generations
Bible Readings:
Noah builds the Ark – Gen 5:1-3, 15-27
Noah’s perpetual faith – 1 Peter 3:13-22
An important parallel – 2 Peter 2:4-9
Hymn 16: Standing in the Promises
• Noah was motivated by faith, moved to works, and maintained God’s Promises
• God prepares His people for important events
• The ark is a figure of God’s Spirit in the Last Days
• We can be saved alive without death - in The Spirit - when Jesus returns
Hymn 51: Liberty in Christ Jesus
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Serevice Outline Sydney 24th July 2011
Outline of Service 24th July 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith - Enoch
Enoch was translated that he should not see death
Heb 11: 5-6
Hymn 125: A Personal Prayer
Psalm 102:1, 16-22 – God hears the prayer of the prisoner
Bible Readings:
Enoch “was not” – Gen 5:1-3, 15-27
The continuing hope – John 11:11-27
An Invitation to Perfection – Rev 3:14-22
Hymn 7: Living Witnesses
• Enoch was taken bodily to heaven without seeing death
• The wages of sin is death, but there is a promise of life
• God knocks at the door of our heart for us to let Him in
• We must believe and let God do the work to show life in us
Hymn 79: The Light of Life
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith - Enoch
Enoch was translated that he should not see death
Heb 11: 5-6
Hymn 125: A Personal Prayer
Psalm 102:1, 16-22 – God hears the prayer of the prisoner
Bible Readings:
Enoch “was not” – Gen 5:1-3, 15-27
The continuing hope – John 11:11-27
An Invitation to Perfection – Rev 3:14-22
Hymn 7: Living Witnesses
• Enoch was taken bodily to heaven without seeing death
• The wages of sin is death, but there is a promise of life
• God knocks at the door of our heart for us to let Him in
• We must believe and let God do the work to show life in us
Hymn 79: The Light of Life
Friday, July 8, 2011
The Paper July 2011 - Navigation
The Paper – Editorial July 2011
How Do We Get There?
I recently had the opportunity to visit the UK. We had quite a number of places and people to visit so we opted to rent a GPS. This is probably “old hat” to many these days, but for me it was a first experience! Basically by putting in the postal code (they are very finely defined in the UK), and selecting a street, the Navigation instructions commence from where you are (without you even having to know) and gives you turn by turn directions until you reach your destination. It is an unusual feeling “not knowing where you are or where you are going”, but having confidence that you will end up at the right place. In the past I have always used maps, working out the route beforehand, then having to try to transcribe that information into the streets, roads and expressways that confronted us as we travelled along. I must confess that I still did look at the map beforehand to get an overview of where we were heading, but having never travelled the routes before, I had little way of knowing that we were on the right road, and so the constant instructions from the Navigator was not only comforting but essential.
My thoughts turned to our journey through life. There are lots of “maps” around which try to tell us how we should live. However, as Christians we believe there is one essential Directory which of course is the Bible. But like our physical journey to some place new, the Book, like a map, tells us about the destination, and gives guidelines on how to get there, but does not address every detail of our journey – detailed instructions like “take the third exit off the Roundabout”, “in two hundred meters prepare to turn left”, “now take the second street on your right” and so on. However as Christians we believe that we can have this level of detail provided to us as we navigate through life.
We believe that by prayer and submission to what we understand is God’s Will (like setting the parameters of the GPS) He will guide us through every detail of life, ending up at the final destination that we have set. This may well happen through opportunities being opened or closed to us rather than through an audible voice telling us what to select. Isaiah one of the Old Testament Prophets wrote many years ago, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it”, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left”. (Isaiah 30:21). What a comfort to know that there is someone who knows the best route for us in our lives, and that He is just waiting for us to ask Him to navigate for us.
We would like to invite you to attend our Church sometime, or alternatively to attend one of the Churches in your local Community, to talk about how to set the GPS so that you can go through life with an inward peace, inwardly assured where the journey will end. Please see Church Notices for dates and times.
How Do We Get There?
I recently had the opportunity to visit the UK. We had quite a number of places and people to visit so we opted to rent a GPS. This is probably “old hat” to many these days, but for me it was a first experience! Basically by putting in the postal code (they are very finely defined in the UK), and selecting a street, the Navigation instructions commence from where you are (without you even having to know) and gives you turn by turn directions until you reach your destination. It is an unusual feeling “not knowing where you are or where you are going”, but having confidence that you will end up at the right place. In the past I have always used maps, working out the route beforehand, then having to try to transcribe that information into the streets, roads and expressways that confronted us as we travelled along. I must confess that I still did look at the map beforehand to get an overview of where we were heading, but having never travelled the routes before, I had little way of knowing that we were on the right road, and so the constant instructions from the Navigator was not only comforting but essential.
My thoughts turned to our journey through life. There are lots of “maps” around which try to tell us how we should live. However, as Christians we believe there is one essential Directory which of course is the Bible. But like our physical journey to some place new, the Book, like a map, tells us about the destination, and gives guidelines on how to get there, but does not address every detail of our journey – detailed instructions like “take the third exit off the Roundabout”, “in two hundred meters prepare to turn left”, “now take the second street on your right” and so on. However as Christians we believe that we can have this level of detail provided to us as we navigate through life.
We believe that by prayer and submission to what we understand is God’s Will (like setting the parameters of the GPS) He will guide us through every detail of life, ending up at the final destination that we have set. This may well happen through opportunities being opened or closed to us rather than through an audible voice telling us what to select. Isaiah one of the Old Testament Prophets wrote many years ago, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it”, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left”. (Isaiah 30:21). What a comfort to know that there is someone who knows the best route for us in our lives, and that He is just waiting for us to ask Him to navigate for us.
We would like to invite you to attend our Church sometime, or alternatively to attend one of the Churches in your local Community, to talk about how to set the GPS so that you can go through life with an inward peace, inwardly assured where the journey will end. Please see Church Notices for dates and times.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Service Sydney 10th July 2011
Outline of Service 10th July 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith - Abel
A more excellent sacrifice
Heb 11: 4
Hymn 106: Acknowledging God’s Greatness
Psalm 139:1-2,14, 21-24 – It’s What is Inside that Matters Most
Bible Readings:
The First Fight – Gen 4:1-26
Animal and Vegetable Required – Leviticus 23:9-14
Laws and Common Sense – Luke 11:37-54
Hymn 29: The Good Harvest
• Cain slew Abel because of jealousy
• Cain’s sacrifice was good, but his attitude was not
• Both animal and fruits of the Earth are acceptable sacrifices
• To obey is better than sacrifice
Hymn 14: Good News at the End
Hebrews Chapter 11: People of Faith - Abel
A more excellent sacrifice
Heb 11: 4
Hymn 106: Acknowledging God’s Greatness
Psalm 139:1-2,14, 21-24 – It’s What is Inside that Matters Most
Bible Readings:
The First Fight – Gen 4:1-26
Animal and Vegetable Required – Leviticus 23:9-14
Laws and Common Sense – Luke 11:37-54
Hymn 29: The Good Harvest
• Cain slew Abel because of jealousy
• Cain’s sacrifice was good, but his attitude was not
• Both animal and fruits of the Earth are acceptable sacrifices
• To obey is better than sacrifice
Hymn 14: Good News at the End
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sydney Service 26th June 2011 - Faith
Outline of Service 26th June 2011
Hebrews Chapter 11 - Faith
Faith is the substance of things hoped for
Heb 11:1-3
Hymn 123: Something from Outside Within
Psalm 111:1-10 – The God in Whom we believe
Bible Readings:
Can you see it? – 2 Kings 6:8-23
The Challenge – Habakkuk 2:1-4
Faith ... the Foundation – James 1:1-8
Faith calls for Action – Mark 2:1-12
Hymn 64: The Works of Faith
• Faith is the inward substance of our hopes
• There is more to life than what we see
• God gives us faith so that we may please Him
• We are spiritual beings going through a physical experience
Hymn 128: True Faith Demands a Response
Hebrews Chapter 11 - Faith
Faith is the substance of things hoped for
Heb 11:1-3
Hymn 123: Something from Outside Within
Psalm 111:1-10 – The God in Whom we believe
Bible Readings:
Can you see it? – 2 Kings 6:8-23
The Challenge – Habakkuk 2:1-4
Faith ... the Foundation – James 1:1-8
Faith calls for Action – Mark 2:1-12
Hymn 64: The Works of Faith
• Faith is the inward substance of our hopes
• There is more to life than what we see
• God gives us faith so that we may please Him
• We are spiritual beings going through a physical experience
Hymn 128: True Faith Demands a Response
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Paper Editorial - May 2011
Power at Pentecost
On one occasion one of my co-students claimed that I would be “cheating” if I prayed for help in my exams. “That is getting help from outside”, he said. However he also admitted that he did not believe in my “source of power”, so did not see how it could help anyhow! So if he did not believe in God, and accepted that I obtained this “help” without any physical contact or exchange, then it must be acceptable. Was it really just something of myself from within me, or was it “outside help” as I had suggested?
Many people talk about the ability of the mind to release power from within one’s self. However, the Christian understanding is not that we can develop ourselves from within, but that a Power from without can help us to develop. Jesus, the founder of Christianity, said, “I can of myself do nothing”, and acknowledged that it was The Father (God) that did the works (miracles etc.) that were done, in Him.
After the first Easter, when the risen Jesus was again with His disciples, He told them that they would receive “Power from on high” which would sustain their faith after He had been taken to Heaven. In the Bible account, this happened on the Day of Pentecost (better known by many now as Whitsuntide), which is 50 days after His resurrection – or after Easter. The day recorded as Ascension Day (when Jesus was taken up to Heaven) was 40 days after Easter, so in the Church calendar Whitsuntide is 10 days after Ascension Day.
It was at Pentecost (Whitsuntide), just following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, that the Bible records the Disciples did receive that Power from on High, and whilst each spoke in their own native tongue, others listening heard in their own native tongue. This event is often referred to as the beginning of the Christian Church, and Whitsuntide as the Birthday of the Church.
We believe that the Power that came on the first “Whitsunday” is still at work today, and is demonstrated outwardly in the workings of the Church in society, as well as inwardly in the hearts and lives of believers.
As Christians we believe that this Power is available to believers, and whether one thinks it is cheating or not to get outside help, it can help those who do believe in the “examinations of life”, as we go through the ups and downs of everyday living, and can bring purpose and meaning to this sometimes often perplexing World in which we live. The Power comes from outside, but shows itself through the impact that it has on the thoughts and consequent actions that people do. In Jesus’ words, “My peace I leave with you”. (John 14:27)
On one occasion one of my co-students claimed that I would be “cheating” if I prayed for help in my exams. “That is getting help from outside”, he said. However he also admitted that he did not believe in my “source of power”, so did not see how it could help anyhow! So if he did not believe in God, and accepted that I obtained this “help” without any physical contact or exchange, then it must be acceptable. Was it really just something of myself from within me, or was it “outside help” as I had suggested?
Many people talk about the ability of the mind to release power from within one’s self. However, the Christian understanding is not that we can develop ourselves from within, but that a Power from without can help us to develop. Jesus, the founder of Christianity, said, “I can of myself do nothing”, and acknowledged that it was The Father (God) that did the works (miracles etc.) that were done, in Him.
After the first Easter, when the risen Jesus was again with His disciples, He told them that they would receive “Power from on high” which would sustain their faith after He had been taken to Heaven. In the Bible account, this happened on the Day of Pentecost (better known by many now as Whitsuntide), which is 50 days after His resurrection – or after Easter. The day recorded as Ascension Day (when Jesus was taken up to Heaven) was 40 days after Easter, so in the Church calendar Whitsuntide is 10 days after Ascension Day.
It was at Pentecost (Whitsuntide), just following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, that the Bible records the Disciples did receive that Power from on High, and whilst each spoke in their own native tongue, others listening heard in their own native tongue. This event is often referred to as the beginning of the Christian Church, and Whitsuntide as the Birthday of the Church.
We believe that the Power that came on the first “Whitsunday” is still at work today, and is demonstrated outwardly in the workings of the Church in society, as well as inwardly in the hearts and lives of believers.
As Christians we believe that this Power is available to believers, and whether one thinks it is cheating or not to get outside help, it can help those who do believe in the “examinations of life”, as we go through the ups and downs of everyday living, and can bring purpose and meaning to this sometimes often perplexing World in which we live. The Power comes from outside, but shows itself through the impact that it has on the thoughts and consequent actions that people do. In Jesus’ words, “My peace I leave with you”. (John 14:27)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Outline of Service 8th May 2011
From Passover to Pentecost
Ye shall receive power
Acts 1:8
Hymn 123: An Inward Preparation
Psalm 139:1-11, 23-24 – Checking What’s Inside
Bible Readings:
Ready and Waiting – Exodus 12:1-11, 30-36
The Promised Power – Acts 2:1-32
What Is This Power – John 14:8-21
Hymn 100: An Example for All
• At Passover (Easter) we think of repentance through Grace
• At Pentecost (Whitsuntide) we think of obedience through Power
• On Mothers Day we recognise God’s Spirit the Heavenly Mother
• The Promise is waiting for us to receive
Hymn 51: The Promise Continues
From Passover to Pentecost
Ye shall receive power
Acts 1:8
Hymn 123: An Inward Preparation
Psalm 139:1-11, 23-24 – Checking What’s Inside
Bible Readings:
Ready and Waiting – Exodus 12:1-11, 30-36
The Promised Power – Acts 2:1-32
What Is This Power – John 14:8-21
Hymn 100: An Example for All
• At Passover (Easter) we think of repentance through Grace
• At Pentecost (Whitsuntide) we think of obedience through Power
• On Mothers Day we recognise God’s Spirit the Heavenly Mother
• The Promise is waiting for us to receive
Hymn 51: The Promise Continues
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Service Sydney Church 10th April 2011
Outline of Service 10th April 2011
Is Everything Packed?
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
I Tim 6:7
Hymn 123: An Inward Preparation
Psalm 139:1-11, 23-24 – Checking What’s Inside
Bible Readings:
Ready and Waiting – Exodus 12:1-11, 30-36
What is Really Important? – Matt 15:8-20
Godliness with Contentment – 1 Tim 6:1-12
Hymn 3: Ready to Go!
What to Take:
• What is inside is more important than what is outside
• Godliness with contentment is great gain!
• God has promised to provide all we need
• Prepare yourself and God will do the rest.
Hymn 49: Everyone Has An Equal chance
Is Everything Packed?
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
I Tim 6:7
Hymn 123: An Inward Preparation
Psalm 139:1-11, 23-24 – Checking What’s Inside
Bible Readings:
Ready and Waiting – Exodus 12:1-11, 30-36
What is Really Important? – Matt 15:8-20
Godliness with Contentment – 1 Tim 6:1-12
Hymn 3: Ready to Go!
What to Take:
• What is inside is more important than what is outside
• Godliness with contentment is great gain!
• God has promised to provide all we need
• Prepare yourself and God will do the rest.
Hymn 49: Everyone Has An Equal chance
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Sydney Service 27th March 2011
Outline of Service 27th March 2011
Road Blocks
What wilt Thou have me to do?
Acts 9:6
Hymn 102: Keep On Keeping On!
Psalm 1:1-6 – The Broad Options
Bible Readings:
A Questionable Journey – Numbers 22:10-35
Am I On the Right Road? – Acts 9:1-18
The Enemy within – Romans 7:14-25
Hymn 122 (Tune 123): The Real Obstacle
Road Blocks:
• God does use Road Blocks if we are on the wrong Road
• However most Road Blocks are because we don’t choose to be on the Right Road
• The Enemy within is the inherent evil
• Stan attracts the evil and causes us to sin!
• Don’t let the Enemy send us down the Wrong Road.
Hymn 30: The Goal Ahead
Road Blocks
What wilt Thou have me to do?
Acts 9:6
Hymn 102: Keep On Keeping On!
Psalm 1:1-6 – The Broad Options
Bible Readings:
A Questionable Journey – Numbers 22:10-35
Am I On the Right Road? – Acts 9:1-18
The Enemy within – Romans 7:14-25
Hymn 122 (Tune 123): The Real Obstacle
Road Blocks:
• God does use Road Blocks if we are on the wrong Road
• However most Road Blocks are because we don’t choose to be on the Right Road
• The Enemy within is the inherent evil
• Stan attracts the evil and causes us to sin!
• Don’t let the Enemy send us down the Wrong Road.
Hymn 30: The Goal Ahead
Friday, March 4, 2011
Service Sydney Church 13th March 2011
Outline of Service 13th March 2011
Last Service we looked at Where will the Journey End? – this time we consider:
Choosing the Route
We will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
Hymn 129: A Perfect Example
Psalm 1:1-6 – The Broad Options
Bible Readings:
An Offering in Righteousness – Malachi 3:1-7, 16-18
Sanctification - The Special Route – Joshua 24:1-2, 13-24
Care, Concern and Commitment – Matthew 7:13-29
Hymn 47: Faith and Obedience
Choosing the Route:
• God has offered life to all
• There is a route through forgiveness and one through obedience
• The forgiveness route is based on faith and life in the resurrection
• The sacrifice of righteousness can lead to life without death
• Choose you this day whom ye will serve – God will do the rest!
Hymn 79: The Light of Life
Last Service we looked at Where will the Journey End? – this time we consider:
Choosing the Route
We will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
Hymn 129: A Perfect Example
Psalm 1:1-6 – The Broad Options
Bible Readings:
An Offering in Righteousness – Malachi 3:1-7, 16-18
Sanctification - The Special Route – Joshua 24:1-2, 13-24
Care, Concern and Commitment – Matthew 7:13-29
Hymn 47: Faith and Obedience
Choosing the Route:
• God has offered life to all
• There is a route through forgiveness and one through obedience
• The forgiveness route is based on faith and life in the resurrection
• The sacrifice of righteousness can lead to life without death
• Choose you this day whom ye will serve – God will do the rest!
Hymn 79: The Light of Life
Friday, February 25, 2011
Service 27th February 2011
Outline of Service 27th February 2011
Where Will The Journey End?In My Father’s House are many mansions
John 14:2
Hymn 26: A Good Ending Planned
Psalm 16:1-3 7-11 – The Path of Life
Bible Readings:
The Path Taken leads to the Destination – 1 Samuel 15:1-26
The Options – 1 Cor 15:35-58
The Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:1-7
Hymn 125: A Personal Realisation
The Path and the Destinations:
• God has showed us the Path that leads to Life
• We must stay on that Path if we want to arrive at that destination
• There is a Life Path that leads to assurance of the resurrection
• There is a Life Path that leads to preservation of spirit and soul and body
• God’s Plan ultimately leads to life for all
Hymn 132: The Final Destination
Where Will The Journey End?In My Father’s House are many mansions
John 14:2
Hymn 26: A Good Ending Planned
Psalm 16:1-3 7-11 – The Path of Life
Bible Readings:
The Path Taken leads to the Destination – 1 Samuel 15:1-26
The Options – 1 Cor 15:35-58
The Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:1-7
Hymn 125: A Personal Realisation
The Path and the Destinations:
• God has showed us the Path that leads to Life
• We must stay on that Path if we want to arrive at that destination
• There is a Life Path that leads to assurance of the resurrection
• There is a Life Path that leads to preservation of spirit and soul and body
• God’s Plan ultimately leads to life for all
Hymn 132: The Final Destination
Friday, February 11, 2011
Service Outline 13th Feb 2011
Outline of Service 13th February 2011
The Map
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; There is n new thing under the sun.
Proverbs 1:9
Hymn 106: God - The Beginning and the End
Psalm 19:1-6; Eccles 1:4,9 – The Work of God
Bible Readings:
Mapped From the Beginning – Job 38:1-18
The Invisible Map can be Clearly Seen – Romans 1:16-32
The Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:1-7
Hymn 99: The Map in the Sky
A Map:
• Shows us a road to follow – can zoom from eternity to present
• Gives comfort we are going in the right direction
• Does not highlight all the details
• Following the Map is unique for each traveller
• Encourages us to experience a walk with God
Hymn 81: Highlights on the Map
The Map
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; There is n new thing under the sun.
Proverbs 1:9
Hymn 106: God - The Beginning and the End
Psalm 19:1-6; Eccles 1:4,9 – The Work of God
Bible Readings:
Mapped From the Beginning – Job 38:1-18
The Invisible Map can be Clearly Seen – Romans 1:16-32
The Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:1-7
Hymn 99: The Map in the Sky
A Map:
• Shows us a road to follow – can zoom from eternity to present
• Gives comfort we are going in the right direction
• Does not highlight all the details
• Following the Map is unique for each traveller
• Encourages us to experience a walk with God
Hymn 81: Highlights on the Map
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Service 9th January 2011
Church: 196 Campbell Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Ph 1300 135 299
Mobile: 0418 688 607 – Internet:
Outline of Service 9th January 2011
A New Start
This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Lam 3:21-23
Hymn 119: Where It Begins!
Praise God for His Love to us – Lamentations 3:21-26
Bible Readings:
Something from Nothing? – 2 Kings 7:1-20
The Promised World to Come – Rev 22:1-8; 22:1-7, 12-14
A New Life Now! – Colossians 3:1-4, 12-17
Hymn 59: When Jesus Returns
• Satan destroys good things God wants to give us
• God’s mercies now are a foretaste of what is to come
• Things will change at Jesus’ Return
• We can start now to be ready for The Big Change
Hymn 6: Start Now – and be prepared!
Church: 196 Campbell Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Ph 1300 135 299
Mobile: 0418 688 607 – Internet:
Outline of Service 9th January 2011
A New Start
This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Lam 3:21-23
Hymn 119: Where It Begins!
Praise God for His Love to us – Lamentations 3:21-26
Bible Readings:
Something from Nothing? – 2 Kings 7:1-20
The Promised World to Come – Rev 22:1-8; 22:1-7, 12-14
A New Life Now! – Colossians 3:1-4, 12-17
Hymn 59: When Jesus Returns
• Satan destroys good things God wants to give us
• God’s mercies now are a foretaste of what is to come
• Things will change at Jesus’ Return
• We can start now to be ready for The Big Change
Hymn 6: Start Now – and be prepared!
Service 23rd January 2011
Church: 196 Campbell Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Ph 1300 135 299
Mobile: 0418 688 607 – Internet:
Outline of Service 23rd January 2011The JourneyHe shall Choose our inheritance for us…Sing praises to God, sing praises.
Psalm 47:4,6
Hymn 21 (Tune 23): God is Waiting to Help
Psalm 47:1-9 – God reigns!
Bible Readings:
What to expect, and what to do – Eccles. 3:1-13, 12:13-14
Examples of the Faithful – Hebrews 11 (summarise while reading)
We are in this together – Rev 21:9-14
Hymn 115: Trials develop Truth
Over the next few months we will consider:
• Is there a Map
• Where Will We End Up
• What is the Best Route to Take
• Any Special Directions
• The Narrow Path
Hymn 90: Let Your Light Shine Bright
Church: 196 Campbell Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Ph 1300 135 299
Mobile: 0418 688 607 – Internet:
Outline of Service 23rd January 2011The JourneyHe shall Choose our inheritance for us…Sing praises to God, sing praises.
Psalm 47:4,6
Hymn 21 (Tune 23): God is Waiting to Help
Psalm 47:1-9 – God reigns!
Bible Readings:
What to expect, and what to do – Eccles. 3:1-13, 12:13-14
Examples of the Faithful – Hebrews 11 (summarise while reading)
We are in this together – Rev 21:9-14
Hymn 115: Trials develop Truth
Over the next few months we will consider:
• Is there a Map
• Where Will We End Up
• What is the Best Route to Take
• Any Special Directions
• The Narrow Path
Hymn 90: Let Your Light Shine Bright
The Paper January 2011
It Is 2011 - The Past Is History!
There is always a lot of emphasis on having a vision for your future, and making a plan setting out where you want to be. In doing so, people often forget the importance of the past. They say “the past is history”, and they have no interest in history, and do not want to think about it. People say “History is boring!” Yes the past has gone, but the past has also planted a lot of seeds which will continue to grow into the future. As well as being able to learn from the way things happened in the past, it is important to recognise that events of the past can potentially have a big impact on the present, and on the future. The past is History, and History has shaped the present and will continue to influence the future. We should not dwell on events of the past, but be prepared to learn the lessons which these events can teach us. It is a bit like driving a car – we need to keep an eye in the rear vision mirror to assess any potential impact of what is behind us!
The turn of the Year is often seen as an interface between the past and the future – a time at which we contemplate our progress through life. When reviewing the present we need to take into account both the past and the future – remembering that the present is where they meet. We can go back in history to seek to understand why things in the World are like they are, and in our own lives, at a personal level, we can also go back to the past to try to understand the influences that have brought us to where we are. We can learn lessons from the past to help us understand the present and to help best plan for the future. With some people this self-assessment is done consciously, but with others it may happen automatically.
The Good Book recommends that we should adopt a positive attitude in life, and suggests that we should not say “the former days were better than these”. (Ecclesiastes 7:10). We should not dwell in the past, but should always be looking for the positives as we go forward. We do need to be able to accept the past as having provided the stepping stones that got us to where we are, but we should live in the present, and enjoy the benefits as life progresses.
The Bible presents a high level outline of the past – relating historical events that have had an impact on shaping our present World – and also gives a broad outline for the future, ultimately predicting the establishment of a New World order. In between are guidelines for us on how to enjoy life in the present. There is an inward peace in being able to view our own circumstances within the context of this broader Plan. We must live in the present and plan for the future, but don’t forget the past.
Christians believe that there have been key events in history which have had an impact on what is happening now, and on what will happen in the future. Specifically we believe that there was a major event in history some 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ came to this Earth, and was crucified, rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. We cannot explain why, but we believe that through this event of history, Jesus shedding His blood on the Cross, the whole of creation can be made right with its Creator. The Bible says that “God was in Christ, reconciling the World to Himself”. (2 Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 19) It might sound strange, and be hard to believe, but the events are well supported by historical evidence. This is one event in history of which we believe all should be aware, and we believe that understanding and accepting it can have a significant impact on our lives today and into the future.
We would like to invite you to attend our Church sometime or alternatively to attend one of the Churches in your local Community, to talk about the impact that these events of the past can have now and into the future. Please see Church Notices for dates and times.
Rodney Gray – Pastor Christian Israelite Church, 196 Campbell Street, Sydney (
There is always a lot of emphasis on having a vision for your future, and making a plan setting out where you want to be. In doing so, people often forget the importance of the past. They say “the past is history”, and they have no interest in history, and do not want to think about it. People say “History is boring!” Yes the past has gone, but the past has also planted a lot of seeds which will continue to grow into the future. As well as being able to learn from the way things happened in the past, it is important to recognise that events of the past can potentially have a big impact on the present, and on the future. The past is History, and History has shaped the present and will continue to influence the future. We should not dwell on events of the past, but be prepared to learn the lessons which these events can teach us. It is a bit like driving a car – we need to keep an eye in the rear vision mirror to assess any potential impact of what is behind us!
The turn of the Year is often seen as an interface between the past and the future – a time at which we contemplate our progress through life. When reviewing the present we need to take into account both the past and the future – remembering that the present is where they meet. We can go back in history to seek to understand why things in the World are like they are, and in our own lives, at a personal level, we can also go back to the past to try to understand the influences that have brought us to where we are. We can learn lessons from the past to help us understand the present and to help best plan for the future. With some people this self-assessment is done consciously, but with others it may happen automatically.
The Good Book recommends that we should adopt a positive attitude in life, and suggests that we should not say “the former days were better than these”. (Ecclesiastes 7:10). We should not dwell in the past, but should always be looking for the positives as we go forward. We do need to be able to accept the past as having provided the stepping stones that got us to where we are, but we should live in the present, and enjoy the benefits as life progresses.
The Bible presents a high level outline of the past – relating historical events that have had an impact on shaping our present World – and also gives a broad outline for the future, ultimately predicting the establishment of a New World order. In between are guidelines for us on how to enjoy life in the present. There is an inward peace in being able to view our own circumstances within the context of this broader Plan. We must live in the present and plan for the future, but don’t forget the past.
Christians believe that there have been key events in history which have had an impact on what is happening now, and on what will happen in the future. Specifically we believe that there was a major event in history some 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ came to this Earth, and was crucified, rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. We cannot explain why, but we believe that through this event of history, Jesus shedding His blood on the Cross, the whole of creation can be made right with its Creator. The Bible says that “God was in Christ, reconciling the World to Himself”. (2 Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 19) It might sound strange, and be hard to believe, but the events are well supported by historical evidence. This is one event in history of which we believe all should be aware, and we believe that understanding and accepting it can have a significant impact on our lives today and into the future.
We would like to invite you to attend our Church sometime or alternatively to attend one of the Churches in your local Community, to talk about the impact that these events of the past can have now and into the future. Please see Church Notices for dates and times.
Rodney Gray – Pastor Christian Israelite Church, 196 Campbell Street, Sydney (
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