Friday, October 2, 2020

Enjoying Spring: The Growth Process Mark 4:8


Outline of Online Service 4th October 2020

Enjoying Spring: The Growth Process Mark 4:28

Hymn 102:  Joy from Thy Presence

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)

Psalm 92: Give Thanks to the Lord

Bible Readings:

·       The Vineyard of Wild Grapes:  Isaiah 5:1-7

·       God’s Plants in His Vineyard:  Isaiah 27:1-9

·       A Growth Path:  2 Peter 1:1-12

·       The Growing Seed:  Mark 4:26-34

Hymn 34:  Growth from Within

·        In Enjoying Spring so far we have considered:

o   God has ordained times and seasons – including the flowers of Spring

o   Even in Winter God allows us visions of His coming Kingdom

o   For plants to thrive they must be in the right environment

o   If plants are to sustain growth they must be planted in good soil, indicative of good personal character

·        This session looks at the growth process itself – showing that each plant requires ongoing attention

·        The Old Testament readings detail God’s Vineyard – even His plants will grow wild if they do not continue in His ways

·        Peter gives us some advice on a growth path (sanctification) which calls for watering, fertilisation, pruning and a close relationship with the Carer

·        Jesus spoke in parables; we too are seeking to learn about developing a relationship with God through comparison to a growing plant  

·        May each of us strive to be of “the planting of the Lord” (Isa 61:3) as we seek to be preserved in spirit and soul and body as we await His return

·     Hymn 3:  The Vision of Maturity
