Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Surviving the Winter: I am the Vine

Outline of Online Service 26th July 2020

Surviving the Winter: I am the Vine  John 15:5


Choruses :         How Great is Our God

There is a Redeemer

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)

Bible Readings:

·     Israel - The Noble Vine   Jeremiah 2: 5-25


·     Jesus Christ - The True Vine   John 15: 1-17


Hymn 47:  Abide in My Love

·  Jesus used many agricultural metaphors about sheep and shepherds, vineyards and vine dressers.

·  What can we learn about grafting?

·  The nation of Israel being 'planted' as a noble vine - What happened?

·  In this metaphor Jesus said He is “the true vine” – how do we become His branches?

·   The Israelites of old did not 'abide' in the vine. How can we 'abide' in Him and what does it mean?  

Hymn 96:  Great Shepherd of Thine Israel

Monday, July 6, 2020

Surviving the Winter: Jesus Christ the Bread of Life

Outline of Online Service 12th July 2020
Surviving the Winter: The Bread of Life  John 6:48
Psalm 111:1-6 – He gives Food to them that Fear Him
Hymn 100: Christ Jesus – the Living Bread
The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)
Bible Readings:
·     Manna from Heaven:  Exodus 16:2-4, 11-15, 35
·     Elisha’s Food Miracle:  2 Kings 4:38-44
·     Jesus Feeds the Multitude:  John 6:1-14
·     The Bread of Life:  John 6:30-35, 43-51
Hymn 142:  Manna to the Hungry Soul
·        We need food for sustenance, even more so in the Winter!
·        God will provide the needs for our “daily bread” as He did in both the Old and New Testament times
·        However, we also need “spiritual bread” to develop our faith in God, and to maintain our desire to follow Him
·     In a metaphor Jesus said He is “the Bread of Life” – if we believe in Him and follow Him in our everyday life, we eat of this Bread
·     Jesus went on to confirm that, not as the Israelites of old who ate the manna and later died, “he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever”
·        Let us seek to be of those who will eat of this Bread, and being alive at the return of Jesus Christ to this earth, will live for ever, and be changed from mortal to immortal beings.
Hymn 32 – Tune 34:  The Sweet Taste of God’s Word