Monday, February 19, 2024

A Bible Promise - Peace

Outline of Service 25 February 2024


My PEACE I give unto you  John 14:27


Hymn 91 (Tune 92):  The Rock of Peace     


The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)                  


Psalm 37:34-40 – Wait on The Lord


Bible Readings: 

Peace In The Midst of Turmoil:  Jeremiah 29:1-14

Peace for God’s People:  Isaiah 26:1-4, 12-13, 20-21

Jesus Promises Comfort and Peace:  John 14:22-31

Peace Beyond Understanding:  Phil 4:4-9


Summary of Readings

§     Peace can create a separation from things that are happening around us, and enable a feeling of calmness within ourselves

§     God told His people that they could have peace within themselves even though in the world they were in captivity

§     Jesus said He offered a different kind of peace to that offered by the world

§     Paul speaks of God’s Peace being beyond human understanding

§     Jesus asked that His disciples receive peace through the evil being taken out of them rather than they being taken out of the world

§     If we receive God’s Peace within us that will allow us to go through the trials of this world and be preserved wholly – in spirit and soul and body – until the return of Jesus Christ. 


Hymn 126 (Tune 125): The Peaceful Lord




Hymn 26:  The Sun of Peace     
