Thursday, August 11, 2022

Seventh Commandment - Keep Your Relationships Whole


Outline of Service 14th August 2022

Seventh Commandment – Keep Your Relationships Whole  Deut 5:18

-       Thou shalt thou commit adultery Exodus 20:14

Hymn 119:  Unsurpassed Joy   

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)                  

Psalm 139:1-6 – An All-Knowing God


Bible Readings: 

An Exemplary Relationship:  Genesis 24:58-67

Physical Weakness:  2 Samuel 12:1-12

Spiritual Adultery:  Ezekiel 16:14-19: Jeremiah 3:20-21

Babylon – the Deceiver:  Revelation 18:1-4, 9-10

Faithful Partners of The Lamb:  Revelation 19:1-9,

Personal Purity:  1 John 2:15-17; James 4:3-8


Summary of Readings

·                     As discussed under the Fifth Commandment, the importance of keeping the family unit whole and holy is a foundational pillar of our society

·                     Adultery is an act that physically blows families apart;  but there are also other Laws which relate to keeping things pure, or unadulterated – eg. not eating certain food, not mixing different quality threads, keeping cattle strains separate

·                     Spiritual adultery – that is having one foot on the worldly side of the fence and the other on the heavenly – is also forbidden by God

·                     Israel showed this duplicity, and God referred to them as an “adulteress”; this Commandment exhorts us to keep all things in our lives pure

·                     We must not enter into an “adulterous” relationship with Babylon, the world, as Israel of old did – but keep our relationship with God pure 

·                     Those who are pure may hold the hope to be changed in spirit and soul and body at the return of Jesus Christ to collectively form the Bride of the Lamb.

Hymn 115:  Trust for God’s Guidance                             


Message                      1 Peter 1:15-16                                           


Hymn 51:  How to Be Ready                 

