of Service 23rd June 2019
The Battle Is The Lord’s – 1 Samuel 17:47
117: The Victory is the Lord’s
The Lord’s Prayer from
Luke 11:2-4
139:1-12, 23-4 – An All-knowing God
Bible Readings: -
David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17:1-11, 23-30, 38-47
Jesus Looks to the
Lord: John 14:1-14
The Armour of God: Ephesians 6:10-18
Hymn 25 – Tune 20: The
Battle for Good
story of David and Goliath reminds us that God always has a simple way to win,
but we often would not even think of it!
would do better to put our trust in God, without knowing how He could possibly
solve our problems, rather than try to solve them ourselves
Jesus acknowledged that the battle is the Lord’s, and trusted in His
Father to set the directions in His life
Power extends to solving both our day to day problems as well as upholding us
in our hearts and minds as we fight against the influences of this world that
try to turn us away from God
us seek to God to give us His armour so that we can stand against Satan and his
forces as we wait the return of Jesus Christ to this Earth
Battle to be preserved wholly, in spirit and soul and body until His return, is
the Lord’s, and He will win that battle in those who believe in Him.
Hymn 37 – Tune 34: God
and Good Prevail