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Outline of Service 26th January 2020
History Changing
Events: Noah and the Flood Gen 6:8
118 – Tune 115: Hope and Love
The Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11:2-4
Psalm 46:1-7, 10-11 – Our Refuge and Strength
Bible Readings:
Noah Found Grace: Genesis 6:5-8, 13, 17-18; 7:11-17, 24
A New Start: Genesis 8:15-22, 12-15
The Flood, the Ark
and Baptism: 1 Peter 3:12-22
Have We
Learnt! Matthew 24:35-39, 42-46
21 – Tune 13: Waiting for Deliverance
a result of the Fall the thoughts of people’s hearts became evil continually
was one line of faithful believers who stayed loyal to God’s ways
physically destroyed all the people in the world He had created, except for
Noah and his household, but gave Noah the opportunity of a New Start
pointed out that the general way of the World will again diverge from God as
the end of this World approaches, but there will be a faithful group that does continue
to follow God (through His grace)
flood was a type of Baptism, whereby our sins can be washed away
into the Ark is a type of dwelling in God’s Spirit, following a life of
obedience to God’s laws and commandments
in the Spirit (the Ark) will be saved wholly (in spirit and soul and body)
until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, at the end of this World order.
51: Are You Preparing!