Outline of Service 23rd February 2020
History Changing
Events: God Chooses Israel Exod 19:5
104: God is Our Refuge
The Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11:2-4
Psalm 104:1, 31-35 – God’s Majesty
Bible Readings:
God’s Covenant
with Israel: Exodus 19:1-9
Israel’s Response:
Deuteronomy 5:22-33
Jesus Chooses His Disciples: Luke 6:12-16; 9:1-6, 28-36
Additional Helpers: John 10:1-6, 17-20
96: The Great Shepherd
chose Israel to be His peculiar treasure, and to show how a relationship with
God would bring peace and prosperity even in this life
Covenant was a conditional Covenant – “if…..then…”
set out a lifestyle, which was beneficial for people to follow anyhow, and
expected that they would obey His instructions
God is looking for people who will have Faith in Him and then seek to Him to
keep the commandments in them through the Power of His Spirit
true Israel in the Last Days will be recognised because they will live a life
of obedience to His Laws and Commandments
Covenant of life of spirit and soul and body will be fulfilled in a remnant of
the descendants of God’s Israel at the return of Jesus Christ to this earth.
59: The Time for Fulfillment