of Online Service 26th April 2020
The Journey: Passover
to Pentecost or Easter to Whitsuntide Acts 3:21
130 – Hope, and Wait for the Lord
Solo Item - with Guitar
104: God is Our Refuge….
The Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11:2-4
Bible Readings:
The Journey with
Israel: Exodus 13:17-22; 14:5-9, 13-20;
16:11-15; 19:1-6
Journey with the
Risen Saviour: Mark 16:9-20
The Journey Today: Acts 3:18-21
34: Walking with Jesus Christ
lot happened to Israel in the first 50 days following the Passover, when they
left Egypt, including:
were led by a cloud in the day and a pillar of fire by night, crossed the Red
Sea on dry land, were fed by manna from heaven, were given water from a rock, God
made a covenant with them to be His peculiar people, and they received the Ten
Commandments around the “Day of Pentecost” (50th day)
journeying with Jesus, Easter was at Passover and Whitsuntide at Pentecost
this period, between the crucifixion and the “coming of the promise”, the
Disciples moved from despair to power
we travel from Easter to Whitsuntide let each of us seek to God to prepare us to
be worthy of His promise of forgiveness, but also to send us the Power, through
Christ and the Holy Ghost, to receive redemption of spirit and soul and body,
and be kept alive until the return of Jesus Christ.
96: Keep Going to the End!