Outline of Online Service 12th September
The Lord Opened the Eyes of Balaam. Num 22:31
Hymn 105: Praising the Creator
The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:2-4)
Psalm 111 – The Works of the Lord are Great
The Tower of Babel: Genesis 11:1-9
· The Talking Donkey:
Numbers 22:1-6, 20-35
· The Creation Speaks:
Isaiah 40:25-31
Communicating in
the Spirit: Romans 8:22-27
Talking With God: Matt 13:9-17
· Hymn 99: An Unspoken Word!
God initially created people they all spoke the same language, but after the
Tower of Babel languages were sent to divide the unity that existed
Bible does not say whether people and animals used to speak verbally to each
other, but they have had ways of communicating!
used a talking donkey to awaken Balaam to His Presence
continually communicates with us through His Creation, but do you hear, see and
recognise Him?
whole creation groans and travails waiting for the return of Jesus Christ to
reconcile the World to God, including the fulfillment of the promise to receive
everlasting life (without physical death) – the redemption of our body. (Rom