Monday, December 26, 2022

A New Heaven and a New Earth

Outline of Service 1st January 2023

A New Heaven and a New Earth  Rev 21:1


Hymn 26:  All Things Made Anew                                    

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)                  

Psalm 8:1-9 -  What Is Man!


Bible Readings: 

In The Beginning:  Job 38:1-21, 36-41

What Are We Comprised Of:  1 Thessalonians 5:9-24

Jesus’ Agony:  Matt 26:37-41

When and What?  1 Corinthians 15:50-58 

A New Heaven and a New Earth:  Revelation 21:1-14, 22-27


Summary of Readings

·                     God had planned our world before it began

·                     The physical phase of our world started when God placed mankind on the Earth, each person having an individual spirit and soul and body

·                     As human beings we are presented with a challenge to manage the relationship between a physical reality and a spiritual presence

·                     We believe that God’s plan is that each person who has lived on earth and has passed away will receive a spiritual life (spirit and soul) in the world to come, but a remnant will be preserved wholly according to God’s Plan

·                     In the New Heaven and New Earth Satan will have no power and the whole World will be controlled by God’s Presence. 


Hymn 57 – Tune 54:  The Mind and the Body      


Hymn 83:  The Coming Change          



Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.  Acts15:18

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Occupy Till I Come


Outline of Service 23rd October 2022

Occupy Till I Come Luke 19:13


Hymn 119:  Join with the Angels        

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)                  

Psalm 89: 5-11, 15-18 – God’s Greatness and Power


Bible Readings: 

Occupy Consistently:  Ezekiel 18:1-17, 30-32

As For This Moses!  Exodus 32:1-14

An Opportunity for Each:  Luke 19:11-27

Different Tasks Assigned:  Romans 14:1-11

Correct Attitude Helps: 2 Corinthians 4:7-9

Summary of Readings

·                     The Nobleman told his servants to “Occupy (be usefully engaged) till I come”

·                     After His crucifixion Jesus returned to heaven and left us instructions to follow to occupy our lives until His return

·                     Moses left the Israelites for a period of time to receive instructions from God, but in his absence they did not “occupy” as God had instructed

·                     Are we occupying correctly while waiting for Jesus Christ to return, or are we distracted like the Israelites of old?

·                     Jesus explained in the parable that God has given each of us a “commission” - each has individual tasks assigned - which we should follow, and not fall short!

·                     We are exhorted to “occupy” by following the instructions in both the Old and New Testaments, that we may be preserved wholly in spirit and soul and body and be made immortal, without going through physical death, at our Saviour’s return.


Hymn 100:  Daily Bread to Sustain Us        


In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted. Ps 89:16

Hymn 51:  Occupy to be Ready                               


Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Great Supper


Outline of Service 25th September 2022

The Great Supper – Humility and God’s Grace Luke 14:10


Hymn 106:  With One Consent – Praise God       

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)                  

Psalm 23 – Provision in Uncertainty


Bible Readings: 

The Lord Makes a Feast:  Isaiah 25:1-9

A Lesson about Humility:  Luke 14:1-14

The Great Supper:  Luke 14:15-24

The Guests Included:

- the Poor - Matthew 5:1-3

- the Maimed - Matthew 18:1-4, 8-9

- the Halt (Lame) - 1 Kings 18:21

- the Blind - Mark 10:46-52.

Summary of Readings

·                     Jesus had just given some good advice about humility, when one of His listeners said “Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God”.

·                     No doubt many present, through their own vanity, would have thought themselves to be certain candidates to be there!

·                     In response Jesus spoke the parable of the Great Supper, stating that those who had been invited had refused to accept, and so others would attend 

·                     Those who would attend would be:

the poor (in spirit),

the maimed (those who had given up the pleasures of this world),

the halt (those who chose to serve God above the opinions of mankind) and

the blind (those who wanted to see the things of God).

·                     It is only through God’s Grace that we can be drawn to consent to come, and we must accept that calling in humility

·                     The parable shows that at the return of Jesus Christ there will be a Great Supper; are you seeking to be present with your whole being – spirit, soul and body?


Hymn 36:  Accept the Invitation         


“Come; for all things are now ready.”       Luke 14:17

Hymn 47:  Proclaim God’s Standard                               


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Seventh Commandment - Keep Your Relationships Whole


Outline of Service 14th August 2022

Seventh Commandment – Keep Your Relationships Whole  Deut 5:18

-       Thou shalt thou commit adultery Exodus 20:14

Hymn 119:  Unsurpassed Joy   

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)                  

Psalm 139:1-6 – An All-Knowing God


Bible Readings: 

An Exemplary Relationship:  Genesis 24:58-67

Physical Weakness:  2 Samuel 12:1-12

Spiritual Adultery:  Ezekiel 16:14-19: Jeremiah 3:20-21

Babylon – the Deceiver:  Revelation 18:1-4, 9-10

Faithful Partners of The Lamb:  Revelation 19:1-9,

Personal Purity:  1 John 2:15-17; James 4:3-8


Summary of Readings

·                     As discussed under the Fifth Commandment, the importance of keeping the family unit whole and holy is a foundational pillar of our society

·                     Adultery is an act that physically blows families apart;  but there are also other Laws which relate to keeping things pure, or unadulterated – eg. not eating certain food, not mixing different quality threads, keeping cattle strains separate

·                     Spiritual adultery – that is having one foot on the worldly side of the fence and the other on the heavenly – is also forbidden by God

·                     Israel showed this duplicity, and God referred to them as an “adulteress”; this Commandment exhorts us to keep all things in our lives pure

·                     We must not enter into an “adulterous” relationship with Babylon, the world, as Israel of old did – but keep our relationship with God pure 

·                     Those who are pure may hold the hope to be changed in spirit and soul and body at the return of Jesus Christ to collectively form the Bride of the Lamb.

Hymn 115:  Trust for God’s Guidance                             


Message                      1 Peter 1:15-16                                           


Hymn 51:  How to Be Ready                 



Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Fifth Commandment - Upholding the Sanctity of the Family


Fifth Commandment – Upholding the Sanctity of the Family  Deut 5:16

Hymn 117:  Passing on the Message 

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)                  

Psalm 44:1-8 – Exhorting Us to Trust In God


Bible Readings: 

Family Responsibilities – Deut 5:16; 6:1-9                

Family Relationships – Ephesians 5:22 - 6:4   

God – Our Father and our Mother – Galatians 4:22-31     

It is Not Always Easy! – Gen 27:6-17,

Summary of Readings

·                     The Family is the core of our society

·                     The Fifth Commandment sets out the importance of the family, and the respect that should be directed to the authority of the head of the family unit

·                     Our parents represent our origin, where we have come from

·                     There is also a reciprocal responsibility on parents to show a good example and teach their children the principles and lifestyle set out in the Scriptures

·                     God, the Almighty Creator, is our Father and Mother, and in that parental role demands our allegiance in all things

·                     If we attain to the relationship with God that Jesus taught we can hold a hope to be preserved alive in spirit and soul and body until Jesus Christ ‘s return, and be changed from mortal to immortal beings without passing through physical death.

Hymn 13:  Wiling Hearts                                 


 Hymn 128:  Worship The Lord                                          


Thursday, June 9, 2022

And God Spake All These Words - The Ten Commandments


Outline of Service 12th June 2022

And God Spake All These Words  - Exodus 20:1


Hymn 119:  Come Worship the Lord   

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)                  

Psalm 119:97-104 – How Sweet are Thy Words Unto My Taste!


Bible Readings: 

Requirements of God’s Covenant  – Deut 5:1-7, 22-33               

Honouring God and Others – Isa 58:1-14                 

Keep the Commandments – Matthew 19:16-22       

Love – the Fulfilling of the Law – Romans 13:8-14   

Summary of Readings

·                     After delivering Israel from slavery in Egypt, God gave them some simple, basis rules to follow in their relationships with Him and with each other

·                     God realised that whilst they may have been “simple” they were not easy to keep as they required a focus on someone other than themselves

·                     Jesus explained that true fulfillment in life comes from showing love one to another

·                     If we seek to show love towards God and others we will find true purpose in our own lives – Jesus Christ said, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death (John 8:51)

·                     We believe that this will be literally fulfilled in those who are alive and obeying God’s Commandments at the return of Jesus Christ to this World.

Hymn 22:  Wiling Hearts                                 




Hymn 6:  God’s Promises                                       

