Outline of Service 30th July 2023
A Nation
of Promise – The Return to Jerusalem
… they had
understood the words that were declared unto them … Neh. 8:12.
Songs of Praise – led by
the Terrigal Singers
Hymn 106: Praise God
The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:2-4)
Psalm 105:1-8: God’s Greatness
Bible Readings: –
God’s Preparations: Jeremiah 29:10-14; Isaiah 44:28; Ezra 1:1-11
Ezra Goes with the King’s Blessing: Ezra 7:1, 6-13, 27-8; 8:21-23
God’s Word Proclaimed in Jerusalem: Nehemiah 8:1-12
Jesus Sends Out His Disciples: Matthew 10:1-6
Jerusalem From Above: Revelation 21:1-5
God allowed His Nation of Promise to be taken into captivity, He had accurately
foretold that they would return after a period of 70 years
and Nehemiah were actively involved in seeking these promises
large number of the Jews did return to Jerusalem at that time
the Bible still contains many promises that relate to an ingathering of a
remnant of the descendants of the whole 12 Tribes, which are yet to be
tells that these promises relate to the Latter Days, or the Day of the Lord, which
will align with the return of Jesus Christ to reign on this earth
seeking God in their hearts will have a desire to want to be obedient to His
Commandments, and at Jesus’ return will enter the Promised Land – being the
redemption of spirit and soul and body.
Hymn 88: Clothed with God’s Strength
Hymn 72:
Personal Response to the Promises
And ye shall seek me, and find me,
when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13).