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Outline of Service 28 July
Bible Heroes - Dorcas
… thou shalt love
thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD. Leviticus
Hymn 104: God
Is Our Refuge
The Lord’s Prayer
(Luke 11:2-4)
146:1-10 – Joy In The Lord
Bible Readings:
Always Think of Others: Leviticus 19:1-18
is the Fulfilling of the Law: Romans 13:8-14
Peter Raises Dorcas: Acts 9:36-43
from Death to Life: John 5:19-30, 17:14-17
Summary of Readings
The Old Testament exhorts us to be aware of other’s needs, and
to do what we can to help them’
Dorcas helped others, and when she passed away people paid
tribute to the love she had shown to them
God’s Spirit, through Peter, raised her back to life in
response to the love she had shown to others
Jesus asked His Father to take the evil out of His disciples –
they would die to earthly sinful pleasures, but be kept physically alive in the
§ God has promised those who awake and show
their love to Him, through truly obeying His Laws and Commandments, will
receive new life and will pass from death to life without going through the
grave, preserved wholly – in
spirit and soul and body –
their mortal bodies being made immortal on the Day of the Resurrection of the
Hymn 125: From Evil Make Them Ever Free
Hymn 90: Following The Master