Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dwelling In the Tabernacle


Upcoming Events:

A Personal Performance Review – Sydney Church, 1.30-4pm Sunday 13th October 2024, a Seminar to review how we steward our lives in the world today

Musical Variety Concert Singleton Church Hall – 7.30pm Saturday 19th October 2024

Also - You might like to have a look at the new Sydney Web Page –    - or the Sydney Church Facebook Page

Outline of Service 29 September 2024

   Dwelling In The Tabernacle   

LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Psalm 15:1

 Singing with the Terrigal Singers

 Hymn 127: Praise the Lord

Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:2-4)

Psalm 15:1-5 - Abiding in God’s Tabernacle


Extract from Sermon 4


Bible Readings:

·       The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies: Exodus 39:32-43, 40:34-38

·       Moving towards Holiness: Isaiah 58:1-11

·          New Heaven and a New Earth: Revelation 21:1-8

·       Stages in Growing Closer to God: 1 John 2:24 3:3

 Summary of Readings

§   The Tabernacle was constructed as a place where God could meet with His people; the levels of relationship were exampled in the graded way that the structure led from the Outer Court, through the Holy Place into the Holy of Holies 

§   God first draws our spirits to be able to believe in Him, then as we grow closer to Him we are able to dwell in His Spirit, and finally, after our physical body has been purified, His Spirit can enter into our bodies

§   Because of the evil in our physical bodies in our current condition, whilst we can approach God in spirit, we cannot approach God with our physical bodies or we would be destroyed by the greatness of His Glory

§   Whilst a part of holiness involves following God’s Laws and Commandments, our treatment of others and relationship with God is also an important part of it

§   The Tabernacle is a figure of The New Jerusalem which will come down from Heaven and if we are to dwell in It, we must seek to be holy – to present our whole being in spirit and soul and body - to be prepared for Jesus Christ’s return. 


Hymn 57:  New Heavens and Earth are Coming!


 Hymn 20:  Listen for the Voice



Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Tabernacle - Duties for Everyone



Web:  Contact: 1300 135 299

Outline of Service 22 September 2024

Maintaining The Tabernacle - Duties for Everyone

… everyone according to his service… Numbers 4:49


Hymn 102: Trust in God


The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:2-4)


Psalm 27:1-7, 14 –– Sacrifices of joy …  


Bible Readings:

·       Duties in Running the Tabernacle: Numbers 3:1-10, 4:5-6, 15-20, 24-27, 31-33

·       Mandatory Qualification of Workers Holiness: Lev 19:1-2; 20:7-8, 26

·       A Serious Occupation - No Second Chances: Leviticus 10:1-3, 16-20

·          An Holy Priesthood: 2 Peter :16, 2:4-12

·       Unity of the Church: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31:

·       A Personal Calling from God: Romans 14:1-4, 12-13


Summary of Readings

§   The Tabernacle was completed, and God gave extremely detailed instructions and division of responsibilities  for maintaining it

§   However, there was a great responsibility on those who served – a mandatory qualification being Holiness to the Lord 

§   The example of two of Aaron’s sons being destroyed by God for not obeying His instructions shows the level of holiness and obedience required

§   God’s Israel today will comprise people who seek to be Priests in His service in living a life following His laws and Commandments

§   The Tabernacle is a figure of God’s Spirit and if we wish to enter into His Spirit in these Latter Days we must also seek to be holy and present our whole being in spirit and soul and body to serve Him until Jesus Christ’s return. 


Hymn 91 – Tune 92:  A Holy God



Hymn 47:  A Holy People

