Thursday, May 6, 2021

Trusting God in all Things


Trusting God In All Things  Psalm 37:5

Hymn 105:  Thanks and Praise to God

The Lord’s Prayer  (Luke 11:2-4)

Psalm 37:1-7 -  Trust in the Lord

Catechism Questions – 258-259

Bible Readings:

·       Daniel and His Friends:  Daniel 1:1-21

·       Three Men in the Fire:  Daniel 3:16-27

·       Daniel Given Understanding: Daniel 12:1-9

·       Unfeigned Faith:  2 Timothy 1:1-7

·       The Substance of the Vision:  2 Peter 3:1-4, 10-14

Hymn 118 – Tune 117:  God’s Power and Lasting Peace

·        Daniel and his three companions all trusted God, and they were prepared to commit their lives for the belief they held

·        Paul talked about Timothy’s faith, and explained how he had received it through his mother and grandmother

·        Today is Mothers Day in Australia, calling us to recognise the important role Mothers play in influencing the lives of children

·        It is likely that the faith held by Daniel and his friends was similarly nurtured in them by their mothers as they were growing up

·        The New Heavens (Jerusalem Above), for which we look, represents the Spirit of God the Mother (Gal 4:26) – the Holy Ghost – Who will teach and lead us to truly follow God 

·        Through the Power of God the Father and God the Mother, God’s people will withstand the lion (Satan) and be tried by fire (fire of purification) to prove that they have unfeigned faith in God

·        These will be preserved wholly - without physical death - to meet Jesus Christ when He returns to this earth.

·       Hymn 57:  New Heavens and Earth
